Health Tip #29: Peppermint: Not Just for Candy Canes

Food is a focal point for many holiday gatherings, and not all of it is healthy. To help reduce the symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, nausea, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), consider peppermint. The dried leaves of the peppermint plant come in teas (look for 100 percent pure peppermint leaves), oils (both enteric-coated capsules for swallowing, and essential oils for topical use - I recommend essential oil containing at least 44 percent free menthol), as well as creams and rubs.

While peppermint can help many, children should not be given peppermint tea - it can cause a choking sensation. Similarly, adults with gastro esophageal reflux syndrome (GERD) should avoid peppermint as it can worsen symptoms. In addition, be sure to never ingest undiluted peppermint oil, which can be toxic.

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