Health Tip #11: Top 13 Uses Of Kalonji (Fennel Flower/ Black Cumin/ kalzira/ কালজীৰা/ கருஞ்சீரகம்/ كلونج)

Scientific name: Nigella Sativa

Kalonji (Fennel Flower/ Black Cumin/ kalzira/ কালজীৰা/ கருஞ்சீரகம்/ كلونج) plants are a member of the buttercup family. The fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of three to seven united follicles, each containing numerous seeds. The seed is used as a spice. The seeds are small, very dark, thin, and crescent shaped. The seeds, when used in cooking, add a unique nutty flavor to food, in addition to many health benefits. Black Cumin plants are native to the western parts of Asia. It grows wild and is cultivated on farms. The best seeds come from Egypt where they are grown on oases where they are watered and cared for until the seed pods form. The essential oil has earned the attention of over 200 research studies at universities all over the world. The Prophet Mohammed said that the black cumin seed cured every disease except death itself. The Black Cumin Seed has been used medicinally for at least 3,000 years, being mentioned in the Bible, found in King Tut's tomb, and used by Cleopatra and Nephritis for beautification.
1. Black Cumin is an absolute health food. It contains all of the essential fatty acids, over 100 different constituents including enzymes and vitamins. A drop a day is a great supplement.

2. Great for respiratory challenges, especially asthma and allergies. They respond quite quickly to using Black Cumin oil on a daily basis (unless there's an underlying infection).A study at Harvard University showed that you will see results with continued use of 3-4 drops per meal for six months or more. Starting with 1 drop per meal and working your way up to 3-4, just to be sure you don't throw yourself into a healing crisis. In Munich doctors had 70% of patients who had various allergies (including dust, mold, asthma, and neuro dermatitis) who showed no symptoms after using Black Cumin.

3. This essential oil combats diseases that are produced by defective immune systems by stabilizing the immune system. It does this by cleaning the chemicals out the receptors of the cells so that they can be recognized by the immune system. This process is called immune modulation.

4. Black Cumin cleanses the lymphatic and digestive systems.

5. It stimulates the metabolism and helps prevent weakness and lethargy within the body. Taking a drop is said to almost immediately increase energy and promote a feeling both emotionally and physically of stability and well-being.

6. One study showed that using Black Cumin can increase sperm cell count, assisting with fertility challenges.

7. impedes the formation of kidney stones, especially good for those with a history of kidney stones.

8. Often used in conjunction with cancer therapies, Black Cumin has been shown to increase bone cell marrow production by up to 250% and inhibit tumor growth by as much as 50%! In 1996 the USFDA approved a patent for a drug based on an extract of Black Cumin for use with cancer treatments, preventing side effects of anti-cancer chemotherapy drugs, and for increasing the immune system function in healing.

9. In 32 different studies Black Cumin was shown to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.

10. Studies in Spain and England found that Black Cumin seeds from Egypt helped reduce the symptoms of rheumatism and inflammation, while Black Cumin seeds from other countries did not.

11. If used on an ongoing basis, black seed can play an important role to enhance human immunity, particularly in immunocompromise patients. The black seed could play an important role in the treatment of cancer, AIDS, and other disease conditions associated with immune deficiency states."

12. Histamine is a substance released by bodily tissues, sometimes creating allergic reactions and is associated with conditions such as bronchial asthma. In 1960, scientists Badr-El-Din and Mahfouz found that dimer dithymoquinone isolated from black seed's volatile oil, under the name of "Nigellone," and given by mouth to some patients suffering from bronchial asthma, suppressed the symptoms of the condition in the majority of patients.

13. Traditionally, the black seed is still used to help relieve vomiting and diarrhea, as well as flatulent colic, and to help counteract the griping action of purgatives (e.g. certain laxatives, fruits such as apricots when over consumed).

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